Qt conf qt5
georgeca@georgeca-VirtualBox:~/Qt-Tutorials/Deployment/deploy-with-linuxdeployqt$ tree -L 3 . . ├── AppRun -> WaterLevelMonitoringSystem ├── lib │ ├── libicudata.so.56 │ ├── libicui18n.so.56 │ ├── libicuuc.so.56 │ ├── libQt5Core.so.5 │ ├──. Qt5 is the latest Qt version, now Qt5 is the de facto standard of Qt based application development, so many Qt4 based applications also ported to Qt5. Qt4 based application style could be changed easily by qtconfig-qt4 tool, even by editing the Trolltech.conf file Agenda. ● Qt history in OpenEmbedded ● Qt4/5 usage in OE/Yocto ● Building and packaging filesystem images ● Qt SDK basics ● Qt5 SDK usage ● App migration between Qt4 Using Qt5. ● Depends on openembedded-core/meta and meta-openembedded/meta-ruby. ● In conf/bblayers.conf The qt.conf file overrides the hard-coded paths that are compiled into the Qt library. These paths are accessible using the QLibraryInfo class. Without qt.conf, the Qt libraries will use the hard-coded paths to look for plugins, translations, and so on. These paths may not exist on the target system, or
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